Monday, May 11, 2015

Everything you wanted to know about NYFW

This post kicks off a 5-day blog series, featuring five little-known facts about New York Fashion Week, which has come to be perhaps the most iconic event of the year!

Because February 2015 marked NYFW's last time at the Lincolm Centre (its home for the past 5 years), change is definitely in the air for this anticipated event. In addition, 2015 marks the last year that both men's and women's collections will be featured during the same week. NYFW: Men will launch this July 2015.

Change is in the air... leading to more fashion all year long!

NYFW is the first organized fashion week in history

NYFW was conceived in 1943, at a time when Paris was under Nazi seige during World War II. As such, American fashion insiders were unable to travel to Paris to view the latest collections.

~ In this 1940s-inspired publicity photo for NYFW, my sensual almost elbow high gloves are used to recreate the feminine elegance that was so in vogue at that time. 

Fashion publicist Ellen Lambert saw this as an opportunity to bring local talent to the forefront, creating "Press Week", the precursor to the modern iconic event that is NYFW.

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